Friday, January 31, 2014

Challenge #2

So we officially finished our first challenge yesterday. I did find the pushups and mountain climbers hard toward the end. Maybe it's my lack of fitness!! I think I've gained 3 lbs, not good. Oh well...

Now we move on to bigger and better things. BUMS!!!

This is the challenge starting 1st of February!!

Hope you all can see the torture that's about to come. I personally will continue to do some pushups and sit-ups because I know April's challenge is going to be a beast in the pushup department!!

Some of you may know that it's be butt cold in North Carolina this winter. Not very motivating for exercising. Haven't really been able to get out on my bike because of the cold. I did get out when it was 50F and had frostbite on my big and little toe on my left foot. They were white and I couldn't feel them. Should have taken a picture to share with ya'll. Maybe next time!! 

Anyway, it's been so damn cold I felt my little pupster needed a coat! 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Almost done 1st challenge!!

So we are almost done with the first challenge. I admit it hasn't been too hard so far. The push ups are not fun, but I can do them. I'm not looking forward to April's challenge. Guess you all will have to keep following to see why.

So Philip and I went for a bike ride the other day. The weather was gorgeous. Ride felt good, all until we had an encounter with a pickup truck. The man driving honked his horn with agitation and then yelled at Philip. Told us we shouldn't be riding on the road, that we should be riding over there, pointing to a grassy field. He then proceeded to call Philip an asshole and sped off. I guess this well-educated man didn't realise that bikes follow the same rules of the road as motor vehicles. And that we were riding ROAD BIKES!!! That sort of spoiled our ride a little.

Anyway, I'm not looking forward to the end of the month. I don't think my body has changed shape at all, we not for the best anyway. We shall see. And as for this cold winter weather, bring on spring!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Things Just Got Weird!

You've been working on your New Year's Resolution to get in shape and drop a few pounds...

Awesome!  Good for you...

After joining your local Crossfit, you meet some nice people.  One of those people decides to be your new BFF.  You're okay with it at first, but then you get this video message...

So we are a week in...

So it's been a week!  How is everyone doing?  I feel like I'm doing ok. I have done all my workouts and have added a new workout into the mix The Bikini Body Mommy Challenge, which you can find at this link if interested https ://  I have done better with my water intake and calorie intake so we will see if the scale moves in the right direction this week.  I'm not sure why Christmas time for the Hilton's is give them candy, but it's worse than Halloween right now, but I HAVE OVERCOME and only eaten 3 pieces since Jan 1!  Go me!  If you don't believe me, here is a photo of the candy.
This picture doesn't do the pile justice.  I'm sure Kurt eats the majority but Davis has his fair share.  Especially since a certain grandma out there tells him it is good for him!  He always asks for a piece of candy and I only let him have one after dinner and when he looks cute or acts sweet, so basically all the time.  But seriously could you tell this kid no too many times???
Ok sorry for the digression... So I'm congratulating myself on small victories today, I had lunch provided for me today and was able to choose from sandwiches or a grilled chicken salad.  I'm like Joey on Friends and LOVE a good sandwich, but today I went with the salad and a WATER, not a coke.  I was personally shocked with my decision but it was a wake up call that I can make the right decisions.  If I can do it, everyone else can too! 

Another sidebar to mention for all those who love the Bachelor, it's JUANUARY!!!! I am loving my Monday nights right now.  Just after the past 2 nights of the show being on, I really like Nikki (of course, she's a nurse!) and I'm really happy cry baby went on her merry way... but she would have been really awesome drama!  Looking forward to next week and more of this... HELLO!!!!

I know this blog is called 4 crazy chicks and I don't know why we aren't hearing from the other 3, but I can tell you, they are all still working it!  Hopefully, we will hear from them soon! WINK, WINK or ;) ;)

So for now... Stay warm, keep working it, Peace out!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Today is the day!!!!

As the new year begins, I think we can all think of something we would like to change in the new year. We here are some of mine.  I want to run more, eat less junk food and sweets, drink more water and less coffee, organize my whole house, and spend more quality time with the family.  Anyone who knows me, knows that my life has to be packed full so that I can function and be happy.  In addition to blogging about these 30 day challenges you may get lucky and hear about just how busy or crazy my life can be! 

First things first, today we start month 1 and here are my stats: waist: 32in, hips: 40in, thigh: 22in.  I don't own a scale so I will weigh tomorrow when I'm at work.  Here are all the 30 day challenges for the year (I know you can't see the specifics, but we will post them at the end of every month before we start them).  Also, I have a picture of my first organization project, my cloffice (In honor of my brother in law, Micah). 

So for now, I'm going to do my 10 situps, 5 crunches, 4 pushups, 8 mountains climbers, and 15 squats! I will probably go for a run also once I rehydrate from last nights festivities, if you know what I mean!  I love my neighbors, that's all I'll say about that! 

Oh and here is my favorite picture of the season, thanks to my mom for taking it and posting it! I have gotten LOTS of comments about this picture. And there is my crazy hubby, Kurt, in the background!

What are some of your New Years Resolutions? And what did you do to welcome the New Year?