Tuesday, January 7, 2014

So we are a week in...

So it's been a week!  How is everyone doing?  I feel like I'm doing ok. I have done all my workouts and have added a new workout into the mix The Bikini Body Mommy Challenge, which you can find at this link if interested https ://www.facebook.com/BikiniBodyMommy?ref=br_tf.  I have done better with my water intake and calorie intake so we will see if the scale moves in the right direction this week.  I'm not sure why Christmas time for the Hilton's is give them candy, but it's worse than Halloween right now, but I HAVE OVERCOME and only eaten 3 pieces since Jan 1!  Go me!  If you don't believe me, here is a photo of the candy.
This picture doesn't do the pile justice.  I'm sure Kurt eats the majority but Davis has his fair share.  Especially since a certain grandma out there tells him it is good for him!  He always asks for a piece of candy and I only let him have one after dinner and when he looks cute or acts sweet, so basically all the time.  But seriously could you tell this kid no too many times???
Ok sorry for the digression... So I'm congratulating myself on small victories today, I had lunch provided for me today and was able to choose from sandwiches or a grilled chicken salad.  I'm like Joey on Friends and LOVE a good sandwich, but today I went with the salad and a WATER, not a coke.  I was personally shocked with my decision but it was a wake up call that I can make the right decisions.  If I can do it, everyone else can too! 

Another sidebar to mention for all those who love the Bachelor, it's JUANUARY!!!! I am loving my Monday nights right now.  Just after the past 2 nights of the show being on, I really like Nikki (of course, she's a nurse!) and I'm really happy cry baby went on her merry way... but she would have been really awesome drama!  Looking forward to next week and more of this... HELLO!!!!

I know this blog is called 4 crazy chicks and I don't know why we aren't hearing from the other 3, but I can tell you, they are all still working it!  Hopefully, we will hear from them soon! WINK, WINK or ;) ;)

So for now... Stay warm, keep working it, Peace out!

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